EXHIBIT Second exhibit moves to the Dayton Society of Artists Gallery at 28 High Street, Dayton 45403 from January 4 to the end of February 2019. The opening reception is scheduled for January 4, 2019 (Friday) 6 pm to 9 pm. For regular viewing hours call 937.228-4532.

The African American Visual Artists Guild (AAVAG) announces its next 2-year project/exhibit: Exposition Through Art - Historic African American Churches of Southwest Ohio. Fifteen artists' renderings pay homage to churches in existence for 75 years or more actively serving their members and the community at large with Christian leadership, outreach activities, and the ongoing struggle for civil rights. Churches selected are in Dayton, Springfield, Yellow Springs, Xenia, Wilberforce, Middletown, and Cincinnati. The first exhibit will be housed in AAVAG's gallery located on the 2nd floor of Central State University Dayton, 840 Germantown Street and will run from October 6th thru the end of December 2018. An opening program and reception, music, food, raffle, and the two year calendar will be for sale. All events are free to the public, will be held on Saturday, October 6th, 2 to 4PM, refreshments will be served. A 24-month calendar depicting each of the works will be available for sale, proceeds of which support project expenses and the awarding of art supplies to area youth. After October 6th regular viewing hours are Mon thru Thurs 9A to 8P, Fridays 9 to 5. Additional exhibit sites will be announced later.
Andrea Walker Cummings,
Erin Smith-Glenn, Morris Howard, Bennie Kelley, Clarice Moore, Simeon "Lon" Oyeyemi, Craig Screven, Debra Richardson-Wood Yvette Walker Dalton, Dwayne Daniel, Clifford Darrett Willis "Bing" Davis, Horace Dozier Sr., Deborah Dixon Rev. Dr. Lois Fortson,
Allan Temple African Method 1st Church, Cincinnati; Bethesda Temple Apostolic Church, Dayton; Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Middletown; Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, Dayton; Carmel Presbyterian Church (USA), Cincinnati; Central Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Yellow Springs; First Wesleyan Methodist Church, Dayton; Greater Allen African Methodist Church, Dayton; Holy Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church, Wilberforce; McKinley United Methodist Church, Dayton; Middle Run Baptist Church, Xenia; Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Dayton Mount Enon Missionary Baptist Church, Dayton; New Prospect Baptist Church, Cincinnati; Phillips Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Trotwood; Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Cincinnati; Saint Margaret's Episcopal Church, Trotwood; Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church, Dayton; The Mount Pisgah Church, Dayton; Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church, Springfield; Trinity Presbyterian Church (USA), Dayton; Union Baptist Church of Cincinnati; Wayman Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Dayton; Zion Baptist Church, Cincinnati; Zion Baptist Church, Dayton; Zion Baptist Church, Xenia